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Let's get healthier, stronger and happier together

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Your personal Nutrition Coach

Hello! I'm Ana, Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer. I work with clients 1:1 remotely and local.  


I am here to help you make a transformation that lasts!


You are joining to achieve a goal, and I will be right by your side every step of the way, teaching you, encouraging you, pushing you, motivating you and keeping you accountable. 


We will become happier, stronger and healthier together.

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What would I receive from a Personal Nutrition Coach?

  • Personalized Plan

We will create a plan according to your goals, learning what works for your body, your health and your lifestyle.


  • Unlimited Coach access​​

24/7 coach access with your choice: txt message, phone call, social media, video conferencing or email​


  • Accountability​​

Regular check-ins with your coach to make sure that you stay on track.​​

  • Eat what you love​

Not eliminating but making sure that this program is sustainable.

  • Nutrition Education

you will learn what works best for your lifestyle, fitness and health goals.

  • A Personal Coach

As your coach, I will be constantly monitoring your progress and adjusting your plan to help you get and stay in the happier and better you!

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Not only knowledge, also experience

I have been through the roller coaster of being overweight and getting fit, I have had my ups and downs with my self-esteem, and I can tell you that now, I have a sense of purpose that I have never known before, which is to help others become the best version of themselves.

Home: Bio

I am a nutrition coach with 20 years of experience in the fitness industry.


I am a certified Precision Nutrition L1 coach, a CrossFit L1 coach, CrossFit Kids coach, I have a certificate in CrossFit Mobility, CrossFit Gymnastics, USAW Olympic and Spinning.


I have worked as a personal trainer, CrossFit Coach, PE teacher and Spinning instructor.


I have competed in CrossFit, Olympic and sprint triathlons and multiple 5 and 10 Ks.

Home: Client Testimonial

Ana and I have been friends for several years - I saw first hand her passion for nutrition and fitness, as well as her own success story.
I came to Ana newly engaged wanting to get in better shape for my wedding.  I told her about my track record with quitting if I didn’t see progress and how I really wanted to make this sustainable.
She taught me everything I needed to know about macros and tracking my food.
I definitely went through a learning curve, but she kept me motivated with daily check ins and weekly calls.  It wasn’t long before I really started to see a difference in not only my body but the way I felt mentally.
6 months and 15 pounds later I can confidently say I have made this my lifestyle. The big day is only 4 weeks away and I look darn good in my wedding dress!


Home: Client Testimonial

I could not have done it without you. 

I still remember when I first started out… the first month is always the easiest because you kinda know what to do and you still have all the motivation. However, it’s after those first initial weeks the real challenge starts… and I could not have conquered those challenges without you as my coach! 

You thought me how to not be such a perfectionist, that you still can enjoy the foods you love and make progress you want even after weekends of having fun… because you know what life happens. Being consistent and have the courage to continue is what makes the difference.

Every time I had a moment of doubt or of not believing in myself you did! It that is honestly so valuable and was so important to my journey. Thank you so so much for being part of all of it!! I cherish all the advice you gave me and know I will take it with me through my future challenges. 


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Ana is an incredible health coach.  She is very responsive and quick to offer support and ideas to help you overcome any struggle you are dealing with.  I started with Ana a month after giving birth and not only she has helped me lose the baby weight but also helped boost my milk supply through her tailored programming.


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